Connecting Telegram
In order to integrate your Telegram to JivoChat, you'll need to create a Bot on your Telegram account to generate an API key.
To create your API key and begin the integration you need to open Telegram, find the user with the name of @botfather and begin a chat with him.
After this, you need to send the command -/newbot to create a new bot to a chat with @botfather
Enter a name for a new bot. The name you choose will be the display name that your clients will see when they chat with your bot. For example, "Tester".
Now you need to create a unique username for your bot. The chosen username will be used by your clients for finding your bot so that they can write to you.
You will receive an HTTP API key. Copy it and go to your JivoChat web app or our Desktop app, go to "Manage" -> "Channels", find "Telegram" and click "Connect".
Next, click on "Add Telegram".
Insert the API key - make sure there are no spaces in it and click on Add Telegram to JivoChat.
Done! You can change the name of the channel for better identification of where a chat is coming from when you receive a chat from Telegram, but this is optional.
That's it! From now on you will be receiving messages from Telegram to JivoChat app.